
If you’ve ever met your plastic injection molding expert, chances are, you’ve been blown away by the amount of industry-specific jargon they use. Similar to many industries, the field of plastic injection molding is quite specialized, which is why it isn’t surprising that it’s littered with hundreds of specific terms that may be clear to the industry experts...
It is very difficult to do plastic injection molding business recently years, because global economy is not very good since 2008. Why the business is so bad? We need to analysis the issue from two factors. The injection molding factory, more and more new factories increased year by year, too many factories provide plastic molding business, and they...
CNC machining prototype molding service is the basic tooling for many different prototypes, usually, it is used for some large projects, the project cost will be much high, in order to make quality products so prototype is the better choice. Some advantage of the prototype: quick lead time. The reliable feedback for the designer seeking precise verification. A...
Precision CNC machining services is very important for many different industries, because this is the basic services for the mass production of the products. Below are the two different materials need for such service. Plastics: some precision plastic injection molding parts need to be done by CNC machining, if just a few samples, it’s better to make the...
Custom mold making services is widely used in many different industries, injection mold is one model of such service, but do you know the details of such service? Today we will share some useful knowledge for this mold service. The design, 3D mold drawing is the basic of the service, the engineer will make the 3D data for...